Monday, August 30, 2010

About Pretty Baby

Hi! My name is Erin and I live in Torrance, California with my husband and our beautiful daughter. When my daughter was born, I spent hours going from store to store, looking for unique and adorable headbands, only to find stores only carry headbands that look more like they should belong on a present than a baby. They were also so tight they left a mark around her forehead! I went to work trying to figure out a way to make cute and affordable headbands for my little girl. Other mothers took notice and wanted me to make them for there little ones too. Pretty Baby Headbands was born!

Our model is my beautiful daughter, Ashlynn Paige.

I never knew how much love your heart could hold until the day my daughter was born. She is the love of my life, and the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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